
Adam And Eve 2


Adam And Eve 2 is a game where our brave caveman is back in the second installment of the popular series. Once again help him get Eva's love. He will never give up looking for his Eve since he cannot survive without love. In this game, can you assist him in finding his true love?

The main issue with our Adam is that he falls in love too easily. But sadly, Adam inevitably gets into problems for falling in love with the wrong person since these violent pleasures have violent outcomes. He is seeking for Eve, his one and only, now that he is older and wiser. Don't you think it's a match made in heaven? Your goal in this game is to finish every level while assisting Adam in finding his soul partner. You simply need your mouse to play this game. To solve the riddles and advance to the next level, just click on the things you see on the screen. Be careful to search behind every rock and shrub since the keys or other stuff you're seeking for might be everywhere. You'll encounter other cavemen on your quest, ravenous dinosaurs, spirits, whales, and much more. Are you willing to accompany Adam on his search for true love?

How to play

To interact with items on the scenes, use your mouse or finger.