
Draw Leg


It's time to grow some legs in Draw Leg and go past various stages that are full of obstacles. It's time to give the cube movement with your magic pen. Will you be able to complete each level and earn enough cash to unlock other items? A cube cannot move since it lacks the requisite limbs.

Spheres can move around whereas cubes cannot. You must reach the finish line in order to accomplish each level of this game. Play with your mouse by clicking the play button. When you play the game, your cube will wait for you to give it legs. In the box at the bottom of the game screen, you may draw a line that will act as the legs for your cube. Use your mouse to draw it, and keep in mind that you may change the design at any point. Do your best to draw the strongest legs possible so that you can advance without any issues as you must overcome a range of obstacles. How much coins you can collect. They are able to be used to unlock different character skins through the in-game interface. You may view your coin total in the upper left corner of the screen.

How to play

To play this game and make your cube have legs, use your mouse.