


Impostor is a game in which you can never see your opponent. Doesn't living aboard a spacecraft and exploring the universe seem interesting?

You may want to reconsider your decision as a thrilling journey is going to become a nightmare. If you don't stop the imposter from murdering the crew members one by one, you could be the next! But hold just a second, could that be you?

Be on the lookout. You never know what could be hiding in plain sight. Because this spacecraft is dark and filled with dangers. The crew members' disappearance served as the catalyst for everything. We later discovered their lifeless corpses. We were lied to the whole time. There is a fake among us who resembles us exactly. What was once a thrilling journey is now simply a struggle for air. Do you want to be aware of your adversary? You'll never find him if you're hunting for him! because you are the importer! We're here to assist and your secret is safe with us. Keep in mind that you must be crafty. People will report the crime if you kill them while no one is there. To attack from behind, hide in the ventilation shaft by pressing the vent button. We know you can do anything to succeed, even sabotaging the spacecraft, and that you need to murder everyone to slake your hunger for death. The bottom right corner of the screen is where you'll discover all the buttons necessary to carry out these tasks.

How to play

To move around, press the arrow keys or WASD. To take action, click the buttons in the bottom right corner of the screen.