
Pet Salon Doggy Days


In Pet Salon Doggy Days, the local pet clinic Pampered Paws opened its door to accept many different dogs as clients! Take good care of the cute dogs. Please take care of these gorgeous dogs and see to it that they have a good time at the clinic.

Currently, your clinic is filled with curious noses, twitching tails, and adorable eyes. Ready to spend some time with these cute dogs? In this game, your goal is to provide for various pets. You'll adore this game whether or not you're a dog person. Although managing dogs might be challenging in real life, the controls for this game are rather simple. To play, all you need is a mouse. Click the play button on the main menu to begin the game. You will first be guided through a quick tutorial by the game. To care for the first dog, according to the guidelines. Check at how filthy this tiny puppy is! A bath is in order. You can proceed to the next level after clicking on the appropriate things to finish this one. You can alter the dog's fur color once it has been thoroughly washed. Browse all of your options as there are plenty to pick from! It's now time to put some finishing touches. Select a collar and cap. See how adorable it is? You're done after you take a picture.

How to play

To play this game, you may use your mouse.